Graphql types

Graphql types

Navigating the Galaxy of GraphQL Types

GraphQL is a strongly typed language. Type System defines various data types that can be used in a GraphQL application.

Types in GrapqhQL


Scalars aren't just data types; they're the raw materials that store a single value. GraphQL comes with a set of default scalar types out of the box:

  • Int: A signed 32‐bit integer.

  • Float: A signed double-precision floating-point value.

  • String: A UTF‐8 character sequence.

  • Boolean: true or false.

  • ID : ID signifies unique identifier

scalar Date

# We defined Date as a scalar type


Objects aren't merely concepts, they're the blueprints for structured data. You can fetch objects from your service, and what fields it has.

type User {
        id: ID!
        username: String!
        email: String!
        posts: [Post]
# User type object contains various scalar type like username is of String,
# id is of ID Scalar type


Entry point type to other specific types i.e. you can use them to fetch other types that are defined in the schema

type Query {
        getUser(id: ID): User

# getUser query will be used to fetch User type based on some parameter
# posts query will return array of Post type


The entry point for data manipulation, we generally use mutation for updating the data. They work the same way as Query does

type Mutation{
        updatePost(id: ID): Post
# updatePost Mutation type will update the Post object type and return the updated Pst type


Also called Enums, enumeration types are a special kind of scalar that is restricted to a particular set of allowed values. This allows you to:

  1. Validate that any arguments of this type are one of the allowed values

  2. Communicate through the type system that a field will always be one of a finite set of values


# POST_STATUS type defined that POST_STATUS can only be one of the given items


An Interface is an abstract type that includes a certain set of fields that a type must include to implement the interface

# interface definition
interface Character {
  id: ID!
  name: String!

# implementation of interface 
type User implements Character {
  id: ID!
  name: String!
  email: Sring


Union is a combination of 2 or more types, it is used where the result can be any of the combination item types

union SearchResult = User| Post
# union definition
# now SearchResult can either be User or Post types

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